Thursday, November 29, 2012

First Impressions and Commentaries

Location: None of your business, Northern Hemisphere

Time: There is sunshine within my range of vision

Most recent adventures, if you can call them that: Acquiring money from a few ATMs, having a ruined IHOP breakfast because of some people from the School, destroying and phasing through things, and then rescuing an idiot who is like me and Stone.

Gotta love Stone. We're both amazing with tech (No, I'm not being prideful, just honest. There is a difference) but she's able to hide things and make them untraceable in the net. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I can hack anything from any computer. The only safe things are the things that I am not interested in, which I am NOT going to tell you people. Ha.

Now, on to more important things, like what the (now) three of us are up to. Honestly, I don't understand why we had to take the guy with us. For all we know, he could be a liability but, whatever, I guess. Stone's my best friend and sister in everything but blood. I may not like him but, if he makes her happy... She has also developed the ability to take people flying. Aaaand that sounds weird, I'm sure. Pretty much, if she holds your hand (and I'm guessing she has to have the desire to take you flying?) and then suddenly, you're weightless or something and off you go.

Its not like I'm jealous or anything. I mean, its not like I want to do something besides have telekinesis and a telepathy link to Stone. Nope. Not at all. Okay, well maybe just a little. C'mon. First she gets a guy. Seriously, its like they just fell in love the moment they looked at each other and all common sense flew out the window. I'm not going to begrudge her her happiness, because hell, she deserves it. 

The only thing I have against him is I don't know him. Petty, you think, right? For me, its survival. I lived in the School longer than Stone. I was there before her. If she was there before me, who knows if I would have trusted her. Those whitecoats had destroyed any sense of trust I had in living beings. It took years for me to trust Stone and become her friend, at least in my eyes.

Not too long after that, we got captured. Uh.... yeah. Didn't help Chad's case in the least. Until he helped us escape. But that only improved him by about 9%, at least in my eyes, that is. The fact that he has retractable wing gave him another 2% but I'm keeping an eye on him. 

Seeing Max, Fang, and the rest of the Flock (I think that's what they're calling themselves now?) threw me for a loop. We haven't seen them since New York (long story there) and all of a sudden they were in the cages with us, or rather before us. Then we broke out and we haven't seen them since. So much for being under the radar. Damn it, Flock.

And seriously, Stone? QUIT MAKING ME FEEL LIKE A FUCKING THIRD WHEEL! *cue glare over laptop lid*

Hold on. I smell hotdogs. 

LATER! fooood.....

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